Item #10: Head On Advertisement


INTENDED AUDIENCE: Anyone who suffers from headaches, mainly adults

This commercial uses Hugh Rank's intensify/downplay model. According to this model, persuaders use strategies to either intensify certain aspects of their product or strategies to downplay aspects of their product. The four strategies of action are (1) intensify good points, (2), intensify opposition's weak points, (3) downplay weak points, and (4) downplay opposition's weak points. There are six tactics used with the strategies: repetition, association, and composition (for intensification) and omission, diversion, and confusion (for downplaying).

This commercial uses the strategy of intensifying the product's good points using the tactic of repetition.

These commercials parody the repetition in the original. See, it worked! Obviously, the first thing these people did when they had a headache was think about the product!

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